But the other night I was starving and all I had in my refrigerator was cheese and eggs (I am a poor college student after all!) so I started thinking about what I could make with the ingredients I had on hand. I finally decided that I wanted an omelet. Well, you can probably guess from my previous descriptions of my cooking skills, that I had never cooked an omelet before. I knew what I wanted to go in my omelet, I just wasn't completely sure about how to get started. Then I thought of YouTube. Hey, it was worth a shot. Surely somebody had put a video on YouTube about how to make an omelet. Guess what? Somebody had! I found a great video that gave a quick demonstration about cooking omelets. I'm a visual learner, so I needed those visual aids to help me. If you're interested, check it out below!
Previously, I had only thought of YouTube as a place to find funny videos that other people had posted, but now I realize YouTube can now take the place of all those How-To books that used to be so popular. You can learn anything from how to make a paper airplane to how to make out. So the next time you have a question about how to do something, before grabbing a book, check out YouTube. You might be surprised at what you find!
Okay, so i use how to videos all the time. I told myself the other day that if a cell phone app or a youtube video doesn't exist then I do not know how to do it! LOL. i really like the look of your blog. It has a neat look to it! See you later!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comment! I really just discovered the usefulness of YouTube (try saying that 5 times in a row!). Previously I just thought it was a place to look up funny videos, but no I see it can be helpful. Now that I know, I'll probably use it even more than I did before!
By the way Jon-Marc, thanks for the help with the YouTube video!